* GVWR: 40,000 Lb.
* Trailer Main Frame Flanges: 1/2′ X 5″ A514 (T-1)
* Trailer Main Frame Web Section: 1/4″ A514 (T-1)
* Hoist Frame: 4′ X 8′ X 1/2” Structural Tubing
* Reeving Cylinder: 6′ X 3′ X 79′ Interchangeable
* Lift Cylinder: 6′ X 3′ X 79′ Interchangeable
* Turntable: Jost-Single Ball Bearing
* Dump Angle: Approximately 52 Degrees
* Landing Gear: Hydraulic
* Suspension: 48,000 Lb. Capacity, 8-Leaf Spring.
* Axles: Automatic Slack Adjusters, Cast Hub and Drum,Hub Piloted, 5 In. Rd, 71 1/2′ Track, 25,000 Lb. Capacity
* Wheels: 8.25 X 24.5 Steel
* Tires: 11Rx/22.5 (Low Profile)
* Brakes: ABS Brake
* Fenders: Stainless Steel
* Electrical: DOT Lighting
* Side Rollers: 4” O.D. Greasable with SAE 660 Bronze Bushings
* ICC Bumper: Automatic Fold Up
* Ratchet Hold Downs: 2 Per Side
* Toolbox: 30” Aluminum
* 30” Aluminum Toolbox
* Lengthen Truck Frame Tarper
* Pintle Hook, Air and Electrical Connections Wet Kit
* Hoist up Alarm
* Customized Paint Minimum Recommended Truck Specifications