Originally, the H Series units were referred to as “Hog” granulators, thus the H Series designation. The initial application for these units was the processing of purgings, which are large masses of polymer purged from extruders and injection molding machines, or large masses of accumulated sheet, film or parts. These large masses, when pressed together, make conventional machines inappropriate, and demand special cutting actions and large horsepowers.
These units feature massive, solid rotors with special staggered knife arrangements, and horsepowers of 200 or more, to nibble and tear at these massive chunks of polymer. The goal of these units is to yield final granulate in a typical range of 0.25 to 0.375 inch, at very high rates. Operating at rotor speeds higher than traditional units, and often configured in cutting chambers that are modified to be water cooled, these units offer steady, dependable performance, for years of durability.
Standard Features
- Special Helical hog rotor design.
- Raised bed-knife cutting chamber for improved cutting action.
- Horsepowers of 200 and above.
- Capable of handling purgings up to 100 pounds.
- Solid steel construction – doweled and pinned – for improved fit and finish as well as long term maintainability.
- Massive solid flywheel(s) for added cutting capabilities.