Why XT700 Capable of handling large quantity of wet or dry material with conveyor, blower, and silo system Expandable with additional silo/extruder modules Applications Large-sized distribution...

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Densifying machine utilize high volume extrusion technology. EPS scrap is placed into the hopper of the machine where it is crushed into small chunks, then the pieces drop into an auger/screw where the material is heated and extruded into ingot for collection. The process is safe, clean and does not emit harmful emissions.
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Why XT700 Capable of handling large quantity of wet or dry material with conveyor, blower, and silo system Expandable with additional silo/extruder modules Applications Large-sized distribution...
The Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Densifying machine was developed utilizing high volume extrusion technology. EPS scrap is placed into the hopper of the machine where it is crushed into small chunks,...
Why XT500 Fast, easy loading with Conveyor System Cost effective with a great output volume per operation cost ratio Applications Mid to large-sized distribution centers / manufacturers Mid to...
Why XT400 Cost effective for mid to large-sized operations Installable in relatively small space Applications Mid-sized distribution centers /manufacturers Mid-sized electronic recycle & repair...
The new XT200W features Drying/Storing Silo and Blower to reduce moisture from wet EPS scrap. XT200W can be utilized at: Fish markets Small to mid-sized seafood processing plants Where scrap is...
Why Competitively priced / Cost effective Convenient and Safe for public use Easy to move around (Can be mounted on a truck to form a Mobile EPS Recycling Station) Easy to maintain Applications...
Production capacity: 770lbs/h Power consumption: 15.55 KW EPS Compression Ratio: 8:1 Density: 510lbs/cubic yard Standard: CSA/UL